Right in the heart of The Netherlands lies the beautiful city of Zwolle where my mix/overdub room (aka GieSound studio) is housed.
Analogue & Digital
Audio recording has for the most part gone all digital. We have all heard the tales of how digital recording is better, faster, and "The New Standard." Yes, digital is here to stay, but is it better? I believe digital is great for certain tasks, but not all. I believe that a combination of both worlds - analog and digital recording, is the "New Standard" for today's top studio's.
I exclusively mix on an analogue desk and I always use an analog front end, tube mic pre-amps, compressors, EQ's tied to a full blown Pro Tools HD (not LE) digital audio recording system to achieve a thick & organic sound. Click here for studio specs
My own mix & recording Studio
My state-of-the-art studio is acousticly designed for recording & mixing music projects. Offering a huge and eclectic selection of vintage and modern recording equipment in a comfortable environment.
The acoustics combined with my well trained ears guarantees your music will sound good in the car, on your iPod, and on your home stereo.
The mixing equipment is nothing short of top notch. GieSound studio is based around a custom build analogue mixing console, which is complimented by a Pro Tools HD system and lot's of analogue outboard. The mixing desk is custom build up to my specs; so it has a big headroom mixbus (based on vintage Neve consoles) and classic EQ's.
Everything to deliver a thick & organic sound that put's a smile on your face.
I have built a mix reputation by delivering "radio ready" mixes to clients time and time again. GieSound studio is well suited to mix projects that range in size and scope. I can mix from master files recorded in almost every major software program including Pro Tools, Cubase, Neundo, Sonar, Logic, and Digital Performer (although some conversion might be necessary). You do not even have to be in Zwolle/Netherlands. I do projects from all over the world. Internet and email has made mixing for clients outside of the Netherlands simple. This means that no matter your project, no matter where it was recorded, or what it was recorded on, I can handle the job.
Besides the large control room I have 2 recording rooms with comfortable sizes more than suitable for bands. The mic collection is extensive and when combined with various outboard mic pre's a wide variety of world class sounds are attainable.
There is a kitchen/relax room with amenities such as tv, gamecomputer (guitarhero anyone?!), movies, wireless internet etc.
And more than enough parkingspace in front of the studio.